The Med Mentor

Tips On How To Pass The Medical Board Exams

Passing your medical boards can be tough, but with proper planning, you can succeed. It’s not so hard to pass your exam if you know what to do and how to approach the test.

Here are some of our favorite tips on how to pass the medical boards exams:

Find out what you need to learn.

You will need to know what you need to learn, to pass the exam.

You can find this out by looking at the objectives of each course and reading the syllabus. Look at what skills or knowledge will be tested in each subject area, and make sure that you have a good understanding of these topics before sitting for your exams.

The most important thing to know about the exam is what it covers. You need to know what topics your exam will cover, and the second thing you should be aware of is that the past questions do not necessarily cover all of these topics; they’re just a sample of what could be covered in an actual exam.

Discover your learning style

To learn effectively, you need to know your learning style.

Learning styles are different for everyone and there are three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. 

Visual learners learn best by seeing things; auditory learners by hearing things; and kinesthetic learners by doing things.

You can figure out your learning style by asking yourself these questions: How do I prefer to read? Do I like big print or small font? Are there specific fonts that make it easier for me to learn certain concepts (such as anatomy charts)? What type of books do I like reading daily?

Be mindful of how much time you have to prepare

The most important thing to do is plan your study time.

This means that you need to be aware of when you will take the exam and how much time you have available for studying.

You can use a calendar or note app on your phone to track progress, but make sure it’s something that you can see easily while studying so that it doesn’t distract from what needs attention.

Stay healthy

It is important to stay healthy. For you to pass the medical board exams, you need to be in good health and must have the energy for your studies.

·       Eat healthy food: You should eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein like fish or chicken. Avoid eating too much fat as this can increase your cholesterol levels which may affect your overall health negatively.

·       Get enough sleep: It is recommended that at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night are required for adults above 14 years old. If possible try taking naps during lunchtime so that you can wake up refreshed and ready with all those extra hours of studying.

· Take breaks from studying every hour or two depending on how much work has piled up since the last time. This will help prevent stress from things getting out of hand.

Plan Your Study Time and avoid Procrastination 

Plan your study time well and avoid procrastination. Set a study schedule and set goals for each day of your testing period, such as: “I will review my flashcards on Tuesday evening.”

Prioritize your study time so that you don’t waste time doing things other than studying, such as watching a movie or playing video games (especially if they’re not related to medicine).

Also, make a plan for how much time you’ll dedicate each day toward studying and stick to it. This will help ensure that you get the most out of every minute spent in front of those books. It’s also helpful if there are rewards involved after finishing each part. This will motivate you to continue reading if you ever feel the urge to drift away from studying due to boredom or distraction.

Work both hard and smart 

When you work hard, you are more likely to get the best results. But when it comes to passing the board exam, there’s more to it than simply working hard.

There are many ways that smart studying can help you achieve your goals. First of it is using a study schedule that works for your life. Schedule in such a way that everything is done in short bursts of time.

For example, if your goal is to learn about nutrition then set aside 30 minutes every night after dinner or at lunchtime where all other activities are put on hold until this activity is completed successfully. This will allow both energy levels and concentration levels needed during these types of tasks without feeling overwhelmed by having too much on one’s plate at once.

Try a study group

The more you study and practice, the better your chances are of passing. Another way you can study effectively for your board exams is to find a study group with like-minded students. This way you get to learn from their mistakes and successes.

The major purpose of a study group is so that everyone learns from each other’s experiences so that they can be successful in passing their boards.

Study groups will give you the chance to relate with other students, see what they are studying as well as get advice if needed on certain topics where you didn’t understand.

Take breaks when needed

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that taking breaks will make you lose your momentum. Taking breaks can help you refresh yourself and get back to studying with renewed energy. It’s important not to burn out.

Anticipate exam day anxieties and responses

While it’s normal to have some anxiety about the medical board exams, it’s important not to let this get in the way of being able to perform well.

Try not to worry about the outcome of the exam or what other people think about you. Your goal should be simply passing, so focus on ensuring that your performance is at its best before taking any test.

Stay calm and rational. If there are things that are causing you stress or anxiety, try doing something to subside those feelings or better still, eradicate them.

Earlier before the exam, you can try visualizing yourself doing well, so that when it comes time for real exams, interviews, and clinical, they’ll feel less intimidating.



Medical board exams can be tough. It’s not gainsaying that it requires more than hard work to pass astonishingly.

With proper planning, you can succeed.

Yours sincerely,

Med Mentor.

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