The Med Mentor

How To Take Rejection In Stride

lot of people hate rejection. They hate it so much that they’ll go to any lengths to avoid it, even if it means not taking action to get the job they want.

But here’s the thing, if you’re a doctor or a student in the medical field, you’ve probably had to handle some rejection along the way. No matter who rejected you, whether it was a potential patient, an advisor, an institution, or simply someone who wasn’t interested in what you had to say, it is important to learn how to take rejection as it comes.

It is universally acknowledged that you can’t please everyone. But when you’re a medical practitioner, it’s even more true than usual; because every patient is different and every patient has different needs. From my experience, I’ve learned that one of the best ways to succeed is to accept that some patients will be more in line with your vision for them than others.

You need to have a lot of faith in your ability to do what is right for each patient and if they tell you “no”, don’t let it get under your skin; instead, take it in stride and keep moving forward.

Note that rejection is liable to come. It’s just your job to learn how to handle it gracefully and move on.

But how do we deal with it? How do we embrace rejection and make it less painful for ourselves?

I have found that one of the most effective ways to overcome rejection is for you to stay focused on what needs to be done next rather than holding on to the fact that a person rejected you or the situation at hand.

When I think about my patients’ needs instead of their rejection of me, I find myself feeling more motivated to keep going even when things seem bleak.

Another way to overcome rejection is to be persistent. While it may not always be life-threatening, or even fatal, rejection can be very painful. It hurts your ego and makes you question your ability to do your job. But if you give up when faced with rejection, then what is going to happen to your patients? They need you anyway.

Just because they are not interested in what you have to offer right now doesn’t mean they never will be.

Rejection happens in every profession; it’s just how our world works. Do not let rejection derail your whole career path; instead, think about how it will make things easier for yourself later on down the road.

Stay positive and keep moving forward with your goals.

Yours sincerely,

Med Mentor

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